Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CraftLass' Law of Video Gaming

As I've mentioned before, I've been gaming since I was about 3. That's about 30 years of experience at this point and games have changed quite a lot over those years. Still, there is one thing that I have found consistent across all platforms and genres, which I have declared a law (sort of on the order of Murphy's) and decided to share:

  1. If you are doing really well for too long you WILL make an extremely stupid mistake. The better the game is going, the stupider and more preventable the mistake.

  2. The stupider the mistake you make, the better you will do on your next attempt.

This Law used to be rather fatal, before the advance of being able to save your games. However, with the advent of saves, you can use this to your advantage as a reminder to save often and save separate files wherever possible.

You should also feel free to use it to console yourself when you make a real doozy of an error. It's not your fault, it's the Law! Plus, it means the next attempt should work out great!

Have you had the same experience, or is this just my own way of dealing with the agony of defeat?

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